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Free psychological, therapeutic, legal and intervention assistance for Lublin residents

a close-up of three people's hands: two are holding hands, and the third is writing something on a piece of paper.

If you are a person looking for support or know someone who needs specialized help, you have come to the right place.

We provide assistance primarily in situations such as:

blue outline of a human head in profile, in the center the outline of a lightning bolt and two arrows

Experiencing or witnessing violence.




blue outline of a human head in profile, in the center the outline of three stacked puzzles

Fortuitous events and crisis situations (e.g. loss of loved ones, job loss, assault, rape)



Blue outline of a figure in a doctor's apron

The need for support in difficult life problems, especially of an emergency nature.


Blue outline of two figures sitting opposite each other and a conversation balloon with three dots in the center

Helplessness in caregiving and household management.


Blue outline of two open hands on which lies a heart

The need for therapeutic support, for example, in a long-term, serious illness – either one’s own or a loved one’s..


blue outline of a human figure standing in front of a mirror and reflecting in it

The need for therapeutic support in the situation of one’s own or a family member’s addiction.


blue outline of a human figure holding a heart

Loss of pregnancy: miscarriage, abortion.





Pink flowers and ribbon, close-up on faces of 5 women, photo inscribed in fold of ribbon, text LUBELSKIE WOMEN'S HEALTH DAYS March 6-16, 2025. ORGANIZER: Department of Preventive Health of the Lublin City Hall.
March 4 2025

Lublin Women’s Health Days 2025

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collage of photos from the described action safe holidays. photos in the gymnasium, leading, policemen, children, a picture of a teddy bear. logotype of the project civic budget, city of lublin, CIK
February 28 2025

“YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Psychological First Aid for Children and Adolescents”

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A woman sits on the floor with her back to the window, supports herself with her hands and hides her face, her head is lowered, the text ‘World Depression Day 23.02.2025
February 23 2025

23.02 – World day for fighting depression

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Organizations cooperating with CIK Lublin

Niebieska linia logo

Tasks in the broad scope of counteracting domestic violence and education in this area.

fundacja dajemy dzieciom siłę logo

The issue of violence and sexual abuse of children

fundacja itaka logo

Non-governmental organization,
that searches for missing people and supports their families.

fundacja la strada logo


fundacja dzieci niczyje logo

Protecting children against harm and helping minor victims of violence and sexual abuse, as well as their families and guardians.

Agape logo

Help for addicts, co-dependents, people experiencing violence and in crisis.

bona fides logo

The mission of the organization is to contribute to the development of the local community through social activities that fully use the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical capabilities of the individual, while creating a responsible society.

ex cordis logo

Reimbursed psychiatric and psychological assistance
The Ex CORDIS Mental Health Center offers free psychiatric treatment, psychological counseling, psychotherapy, addiction therapy, and cooperation with a community therapist and a social worker.

This is a joint initiative implemented by the Department of Resident Safety and Crisis Management of the Lublin City Hall, the Municipal Police Headquarters in Lublin, the Municipal Family Assistance Center in Lublin and the Crisis Intervention Center in Lublin. Its aim is to increase the sense of security of children and families in situations where their health and life are at risk.

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