Aims and objectives.
At the Crisis Intervention Center in Lublin, corrective-educational interactions are carried out for people who use violence.
They are conducted in order to:
stop the person using violence in the family from further use of violence;
developing skills of self-control and coexistence in the family;
shaping skills in raising children without using family violence;
recognition by the person using family violence of his/her responsibility for using violence;
gaining and expanding knowledge of the mechanisms of violence in the family;
gaining the ability to communicate and resolve conflicts in the family without using violence;
obtain information on the possibilities of taking therapeutic measures.
They are directed in particular to:
persons convicted of acts related to the use of violence in the family, serving a sentence of imprisonment in penitentiary institutions or against whom the court has conditionally suspended the execution of the sentence, obliging them to participate in corrective-educational interactions;
persons who use violence in the family, who are participating in treatment for addiction to alcohol or drugs, or other narcotics, psychotropic substances or substitutes, for whom corrective-educational interactions may supplement basic therapy;
persons who, as a result of other circumstances, apply to participate in a correctional-educational program.