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World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10 2024
September 10 marked World Suicide Prevention Day.
The most important and harmful myth about suicide:
“Since a person is talking about suicide, he will definitely not kill himself.”
This is an MIT. The situation is just the opposite – studies say that the vast majority of people (up to 80%) who have attempted suicide have previously communicated their intentions to those around them. It happens that the relatives of a person after a suicide attempt are surprised and repeat that they didn’t expect it, while this person more than once said that he would bargain for his own life.
This myth is very harmful, because ignoring such a clear signal as talking about the desire to take one’s own life can lead the affected person to feel dejected, lonely, not taken seriously and very much alone in his or her problems and sense of meaninglessness in life. Thoughts may arise regarding the fact that since she clearly states how bad things are with her – that she wants to deprive herself of her life – and yet no one reacts and ignores such a tragic thing – there is nothing else left.
Suicidal declarations may turn out to be a last-ditch attempt to ask for help, or even a desperate cry for help. NEVER ignore such a declaration.
Talking about one’s own suicide does not necessarily have to take a literal form. One should be vigilant and attentive to such statements as, for example, “the best thing to do is to hang myself,” “I don’t have the strength to live anymore,” “it would be better if I were gone,” and treat such statements with the utmost seriousness.
It is very important to pay attention to various behaviors that may herald a suicide attempt, such as: giving up activities and interests, persistent depression, sadness, lack of concern for one’s physical appearance, self-harm, avoiding social contacts, diligently regulating one’s own affairs, giving away valuables, etc.
Don’t wait – react. You can get support for yourself or a loved one.
24-hour helpline for people in crisis: 733 588 900
Helpline for children and adolescents open Mon-Fri 2 – 10 pm and weekends 9 am – 2 pm: 789 777 981
Crisis Intervention Center in Lublin Mon-Fri 7am-7pm: 81 466 55 46
There are people waiting to listen to you and provide help.
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