What is violence against a child?
“Child abuse is any action or inaction by individuals, institutions or society as a whole, and any result of such action or inaction that depresses the equal rights and freedoms of children and/or interferes with their optimal development.”(D.G. Gill).
Types of violence against a child:
- physical violence (any intentional, intentional action against a child that causes injury to the child’s body, e.g.: hitting, jerking, pushing, throwing objects, using physical force against a child that causes or is likely to cause physical injury, threaten the child’s health, development or dignity);
- Emotional abuse (prolonged, harmful interaction with a child that may negatively affect the child’s development, may be an action as well as an omission, such as verbal aggression, isolation, threats, blackmail, threatening, emotional rejection, excessive demands, destruction of things or animals that are important to the child, disrespect for privacy, parental alienation);
- sexual abuse (behavior that leads to the child’s involvement in activity of a sexual nature, the intention is to satisfy an adult sexually, this can be behavior with physical contact but also without physical contact);
- neglect (failure to meet the basic needs of the child, failure to respect the basic rights of the child by parents, guardians, is not always a deliberate act, sometimes neglect occurs due to inattention, ignorance, lack of skills or ability).
Let’s not be indifferent to child abuse, if any behavior raises your concerns, call 112 and let them know your concerns.
If you need help and support call the Crisis Intervention Center.
6A Probostwo St,
20-089 Lublin
Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Phone: 81 466 55 46
E-mail: pomoc@cik.lublin.eu